Frequently Asked Questions


What is CranioSacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluation and
treatment that works with the body’s nervous system to enhance your health.
The craniosacral system includes the brain, spinal cord, and all related
structures.  Through the research of Dr. Upledger it was found that releasing
restrictions in the craniosacral system can improve your vitality by impacting the
entire nervous system.

What is somatoemotional release?

Somatoemotional Release (SER) is when a physical tissue release in the body has an emotional component. Clients may notice that they feel an intense emotion while receiving CST or after the session. Although it does not happen to everyone and does not happen as a result of all CST sessions, it is common and may be interpreted as a letting go of trauma.

For more on SER please watch this video of Chas Perry:

For more about Chas and Kat Perry and the Comprehensive Therapy Programs, Dolphin Assisted programs and more go to

What should I expect during a CST session?

  • Clients are treated fully clothed

  • Clients are treated in a comfortable position, typically, lying facing upward on a massage table.  This is entirely up to the client and is adapted based on age and comfort.

  • The practitioner places a hand on the front and back of the body and applies gentle pressure (about the weight of a nickel).

How many treatments should I expect to need?

Generally after 3-4 sessions you will know whether CST is helping you achieve your health goals.